How to Manage Herniated Disc Disease

How to Manage Herniated Disc Disease


A herniated disc is a common condition of the spine, which can cause disc pain, numbness, discomfort and reduce your ability to move freely. It is also commonly known as slipped disc or ruptured disc. This condition affects your spine and also spinal nerves. In this blog, we will discuss the common symptoms, treatment options and frequent patient queries related to herniated disc disease. 

Understanding Herniated disc Disease

Your spine is made of a number of bones, starting from the base of your skull to your tailbone. These bones are called vertebrae. In between the vertebrae, there are circular cushiony structures, known as discs. The discs help in shock absorption, give stability to the spine, allow the spine to move and bend with ease, and protect the spinal cord. Every disc is made up of a nucleus and has an outer layer called the annulus. When part of the nucleus pushes out through the annulus because of a tear, it is called a herniated disc. The word herniated literally refers to the act of protruding through an abnormal body opening. This explains the condition clearly.

The herniated disc can cause disc back pain. The pressure exerted by the herniated disc on surrounding nerves can also cause a shooting pain, tingling, or numbness. It may also radiate to the arms or legs, depending on the location of the disc.

What are the Causes of Herniated Intervertebral Discs?

Herniated disc disease may be caused by the following factors. Sometimes more than one factors combine to trigger it:

  • Age-related wear and tear of the disc - this is the most common cause of a herniated disc
  • Injuries, for example: strains, twists and falls
  • Improper lifting using back muscles
  • Doing repetitive bending or twisting actions

What are the Symptoms of Herniated disc Disease?

Pain is a common symptom of herniated disc. Other symptoms vary depending on the location of the herniated disc. The pain may get worse during certain activities.


Symptoms of Herniated disc in Neck:

  • Pain or discomfort in the neck
  • Pain around your shoulders and arms 
  • Pain or numbness in arms, hands or fingers

Symptoms of Herniated disc in Lower Back

  • Disc back pain, along with pain in hips, thighs and calves
  • Numbness in your legs and/or feet
  • Muscle weakness - this can also affect your ability to lift or hold things

How Herniated Disc Disease May Influence These Symptoms ?

Discs in your spine absorb shocks and vibrations during sudden jerks and while walking on irregular surfaces. As you age, the discs in your spine wear off due to the regular wear and tear. This may cause cracks or tears in the outer wall of your spinal discs. When this happens, your disc may bulge out of their regular position. This can also cause herniated disc. This can reduce the stability of your spine and cause disc pain.  

Herniated Disc Treatment Options

You can opt for different treatment options for herniated discs to get pain relief and be able to move freely. If controlled in the beginning, a surgery may not be required.

Let us first discuss the non-surgical treatment options for herniated discs:

Non-surgical Treatments for Herniated Disc

i) Physical therapy: Different exercises can help get relief from the symptoms of herniated discs. The exercises will vary depending upon the location of the herniated intervertebral disc. Therapy gives comfort to the tight muscles, reduces muscle tension and reduces pressure on the spine.

ii) Steroid injections: These are injected in your back and have a dose of anti-inflammatory medicine. Its effects may last from a few weeks to months.

iii) Medicines: Your doctor may prescribe you muscle relaxing medicines. These work by working on your nervous system and increasing the levels of certain chemicals in your brain. These should be strictly taken under the supervision of a certified doctor.

iv) Therapies: Besides regular exercise, acupuncture and chiropractic care can reduce pressure on the spine and relieve discomfort.

v) Lifestyle Modifications: Simple changes in your daily life can alleviate discomfort associated with herniated discs. Reduce your body weight and improve your posture. This will reduce stress on your spine.


Surgical Treatment for Herniated Disc

While most patients of herniated disc get better on their own, a few may require surgery. 

i) Discectomy - It is one of the most common surgery for herniated disc. In this, the surgeon will remove the whole or a part of the herniated intervertebral disc. There are different types of discectomies, which depends on the size of incision and the location of the herniated disc.

ii) Laminectomy - The spine is made up of different bones called vertebrae. In this surgery, the back portion of a vertebra, called the lamina, is removed from the spine. This creates some space in the spinal canal, reducing pressure on the spinal nerves. 

iii) Spinal Fusion: Fusing two or more vertebrae together after removing the damaged disc can give stability to your spine. This can help with herniated intervertebral disc.

To recover from herniated disc quickly, rest a lot, go for physical therapy, and gradually start doing your everyday activities.

Preventing Herniated Disc Disease

The chances of getting herniated discs can be reduced by the following:

1. Doing Regular Exercise: This helps to strengthen your core and lower back muscles 

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight: This ensures that there is no more stress on your spine

3. Keep a Healthy Posture: This will prevent any undue pressure on your spine. Posture correctors and ortho support products can also help keep your body in the right position. Also, avoid uncomfortable positions like lifting heavy things, prolonged sitting, or twisting your back. 



Herniated disc can happen in any part of the spine. Depending on the area in which it happens, it can cause pain in the arm or leg as well. It most commonly happens in the lower part of the spine but may also occur in the cervical spine. In many cases, a slipped disc may resolve on its own. However, if the symptoms last more than a few weeks, you need to address it before it worsens. 


How can I treat a herniated disc?
You can treat a herniated disc by going for physical therapy, taking pain relieving medicines and injections, making lifestyle changes, and so on. Sometimes a surgery may be required, depending on the severity of the condition. 

How to stop herniated disc disease from getting worse?
You can manage herniated disc disease by exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and proper posture. Avoid activities that stress your back.

What is the best herniated disc treatment?
Herniated disc treatment depends on the condition of your spine. Non-surgical treatments like physical therapy, medicines, and lifestyle modification can help. In severe cases, surgeries such as discectomy or spinal fusion may be required.